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Photon distribution analysis - 1¶
Photon distribution analysis¶
The library tttrlib provides the option to compute models for single molecule histograns using Photon Distribution Analysis (PDA) for scoring of realizations of models by experimental single molecule histograms [kalinin2007].
#.. plot:: ../examples/single_molecule/
The tttrlib.Pda
class implements the Pda algorithm as previously described
tttrlib.Pda objects¶
To create a PDA model first create an instance of the tttrlib.Pda
class. The
Pda class implements a Photon Distribution Analysis algorithm for photons that
are registed in two detection channels (channel 1 and channel 2). These two channels
can be any channel type. In a FRET experiment channel 1 (ch1) and channel 2 (ch2)
are typically the green and red detection channel, respectively. In an anisotropy
PDA experiment the two channels can be the parallel and perpendicular detection
channel. Using the theoretical probability for detecting a photon in the first
detection channel as an input (in the original manuscript this is called pG) the
number of photons in the first and the second detection channel are computed.
Hereby, the algorithm considers the background fluorescence in the two detection
channels. The measured signal consists of fluorescence (F) and background (B)
contributions (S=F+B).
To compute a PDA histogram, first, create an instance of the tttrlib.Pda
When you create a new instance, you can specify a set of parameters that are of
import tttrlib
n_photons = 50
kw = {
"hist2d_nmax": n_photons,
"hist2d_nmin": 10,
"background_ch1": 2.3,
"background_ch2": 1.2,
pda = tttrlib.Pda(**kw)
The Pda
class will compute a matrix here called s1s2
that will contain the
probabilities of detecting a photon in ch1 and ch2. The indices of the matrix correspond
to the number of photons, the matrix values to the probability. The parameter
specifies up to wich maximum number of photons this matrix is
computed. The parameter hist2d_nmin
specifies the minimum number of photons in
this matrix which will be considered in later steps. The parameter background_ch1
and background_ch2
specify the background count rate in the two channels.
The parameters can also be changed after the Pda object is created.
pda.background_ch1 = 2.0
pda.background_ch2 = 5.0
pda.hist2d_nmin = 5
pda.hist2d_nmax = 60
To compute the PDA histogram intensity distribution of the fluorescence p(F), needs to be specified. The intensity distribution of the fluorescence, P(F), can be obtained from the total measured signal intensity distribution P(S) by deconvolution assuming that the background signals obey Poisson distributions. In this description we simply compute a Poisson distribution for p(F).
import scipy.stats
mu = 20 # expectation value for the number of photons
dist = scipy.stats.poisson(mu)
x = np.arange(0, n_photons)
pF = dist.pmf(x)
The last statement in the code above assigns the distribution p(F) to the Pda object.
Next, a set of species with associated amplitudes with corresponding theoretical probabilities of detecting a photon in the first channel. This can be done by either assigning the amplitudes and the probabilities separately to the Pda object
amplitudes = [0.5, 0.5]
probabilities_ch1 = [0.8, 0.2]
or by assigning a spectrum that consists of interleaved amplitudes and probabilities
p_spectrum_ch1 = np.dstack([amplitudes, probabilities_ch1]).flatten()
pda.spectrum_ch1 = p_spectrum_ch1
The spectrum is interleaved array [a1, p1, a2, p2, …] where ai refers to
amplitudes and p1 refers to probabilities of registering a photon in the first
channel. The probabilities probabilities_ch1
are the theoretical probability
of registering a photon in the first channel. In a FRET experiment the probability
relates to the FRET efficiency by
rac{gamma E}{(1-E)} ight)^{-1} ext{ with } gamma = rac{g_R Phi_A}{g_R Phi_D}
where \(g_G\), \(g_R\) are the detection efficiencies in the green and red detection channel, respectively. \(\Phi_A\), \(\Phi_D\) are the fluorescence quantum yield of the acceptor and the donor, respectively. \(lpha\) is the cross-talk from the donor to the acceptor channel, and \(E\) is the FRET efficiency.
The computed distribution of photons in ch1 and ch2 is accessed by the attribute
s1s2 = pda.s1s2
The matrix s1s2
is computed when the attributed is accessed. The matrix is only
updated if a parameter of relevance is changed and the matrix is accessed.
In a PDA 2D analysis this matrix is often reduced in dimensionality to represent
the model and score against the data. For this dimensionality reduction
offers a method. However, first, it needs to be specified how the
matrix is reduced in dimensionality. For that, a function needs to be specified
and assigned to the object. Any python function with a least two arguments can
be used for that. The first argument always corresponds to ch1, the second
argument to ch2. For instance, a histogram of the proximity ration can be computed
by first defining a corresponding function and then creating a histogram using the
method get_1dhistogram
s1s2 = pda.s1s2
# A one dimensional representation of the s1s2 matrix if obtain
# by a function that projects the pairs of photons. Any python function
# accepting at least two arguments can be used
proximity_ratio = lambda ch1, ch2: ch2 / (ch1 + ch2)
# The python function is used to set the attribute `histogram_function`
pda.histogram_function = proximity_ratio
# The method get_1dhistogram of the Pda object returns a 1D histogram
# of the s1s2 array for the specified function
x_pr, y_pr = pda.get_1dhistogram(
The arguments of get_1dhistogram
define the range and the resolution of the
Functions, e.g., the FRET efficiency, that require additional parameters can be passed to the Pda object by defining a function with additional arguments. Note, potential division by zero need to be handled.
def fret_efficiency(ch1, ch2, phiD=0.8, phiA=0.32, det_ratio=0.32):
return 1.0 / (1. + phiD / phiA * det_ratio * ch2 / ch1)
pda.histogram_function = fret_efficiency
x_eff, y_eff = pda.get_1dhistogram(
Histograms with a logarithmic scale are computed by setting log_x
to True.
When the option skip_zero_photon
is set to False the first column and row of
the s1s2 matrix (zero photons in ch1 or ch2) is used. In this case potential division
by zeros in the histogram function need to be handled. The default value for
is True.
sg_sr = lambda ch1, ch2: max(1, ch1) / max(1, ch2)
pda.histogram_function = sg_sr
x_sgsr, y_sgsr = pda.get_1dhistogram(
Finally, the 2D counting histogram and the 1D representations can be plotted.
fig, ax = p.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3)
ax[1].plot(x_pr, y_pr, label='Proximity ratio')
ax[1].plot(x_eff, y_eff, label='FRET efficiency')
ax[2].semilogx(x_sgsr, y_sgsr, label='Sg/Sr')
To score models against the data either the 2D histogram or the 1D representation can be used. The scoring is described elsewhere [kalinin2007].
Example analysis of experimental data¶
In this section a small single-molecule dataset will be loaded and analyzed with
by optimizing a set of parameters to experimental histograms using the tttrlib.Pda
class and basic SciPy functions. The photons that
correspond to the data selected for the PDA histograms are indexed. This way,
fluorescence decay curves that correspond to the PDA histograms are computed.
#.. plot:: ../examples/single_molecule/
The first step when a dataset is analyzed by the tttrlib.Pda
class is to load
and create a TTTR
object. In the example, the tttr data is split into multiple
BH132 spc files. Hence, for simpler analysis, the data is first stacked into a single
# open a set of files and stack them in a single TTTR object
files = glob.glob('./tttr-data/bh/bh_spc132_smDNA/*.spc')
data = tttrlib.TTTR(files[0], 'SPC-130')
for d in files[1:]:
data.append(tttrlib.TTTR(d, 'SPC-130'))
Next, the photons registered in the different routing channels need to be selected and the photon trace is split into time windows (tws). Time windows with a specified minimum number of photons are discriminated to reduce the background contribution to the PDA histogram. The photons in the two detection channels are counted and a matrix S1S2 that contains a histogram of the photon counts is created. This photon count matrix is computed up to a maximum number of photons that is specified ahead. The larger the maximum number of photons in the S1S2 matrix, the slower the algorithm will be. This maximum number depends on the size of the tws. For large tws the maximum number should be increased. For setups with large foci a larger maximum number of photons should be used. Overall, the maximum number of photons should be adjusted to the experiment. By inspecting a S1S2 matrix this number can be adjusted. Moreover, The distribution of the signal intensity P(S) needs to be determined. The PDA algorithm requires the distribution of the fluorescence intensity P(F), which can be determined from P(S). In practice, at low background when tws with low photons counts are discriminated P(F) can be approximated by P(S). Moreover, for a consistent analysis over multiple representations of the experimental data, e.g., TCSPC or FCS, care must be taken that the tw selection did not introduce a selection bias or that the selections are at least consistent.
To create a experimental P(S1,S2) histogram, that is stored in form of a matrix,
the static method tttrlib.Pda.compute_experimental_histograms
is used. The
method takes the channel selection, the tw size, and the minimum number of photons
in a tw as an input.
# define what is PDA channel 1 and channel 2
channels_1 = [0, 8] # 0, 8 are green channels
channels_2 = [1, 9] # 1,9 are red channels
minimum_number_of_photons = 20
maximum_number_of_photons = 150
minimum_time_window_length = 1.0
s1s2_e, ps, tttr_indices = tttrlib.Pda.compute_experimental_histograms(
The method tttrlib.Pda.compute_experimental_histograms
returns the experimental
histogram that contains the counts in the first and second PDA channel, the histogram
over the number of counts P(S), and the tttr indices as numpy arrays. These indices
can be used in later steps to process the associated photons.
Next, a new instance of the tttrlib.Pda
class needs to be created and a function
that converts P(S1,S2) into a 1 dimensional histogram needs to be specified.
# define a Pda object
kw_pda = {
"hist2d_nmax": maximum_number_of_photons,
"hist2d_nmin": minimum_number_of_photons,
"pF": ps
pda = tttrlib.Pda(**kw_pda)
# set a function to make a 1D histogram
pda.histogram_function = lambda ch1, ch2: ch1 / max(1, ch2)
Here, the ratio of the first and the second channel is used. Above we defined the associated the first channel to the routing channel numbers [0, 8] and the second channel to the routing channel numbers [1, 9]. For the dataset in this example this corresponds to the “green” and “red” detection channel. Hence, the function used to create one dimensional representations of the P(S1,S2) matrix is the ratio of the green and red signals.
Now, we can define a set of parameters that is optimized to the experimental data. Here we use a three species model. Moreover, we define an initial values for the green and red background signal. Using these values, we compute a one dimensional histogram weighted deviations of the model histogram for initial values.
initial_background_ch1 = 1.7
initial_background_ch2 = 0.7
initial_amplitudes = [0.33, 0.33, 0.33]
initial_probabilities_ch1 = [0.0, 0.35, 0.45]
kw_hist = {
"x_max": 100.0,
"x_min": 0.1,
"log_x": True,
"n_bins": 81,
"n_min": 10
# get a initial model histogram
x_model_initial, y_model_initial = pda.get_1dhistogram(
# get the data histogram
x_data, y_data = pda.get_1dhistogram(
initial_wres = (y_data - y_model_initial) / np.sqrt(y_data)
The computation of the initial weighted residuals can be omited and is merely here for instructive purposed. Here, the deviations are weighted by the number of counts in each histogram bin.
Next, an objective function, i.e., a function that with a minimum value for parameters that agree optimally with the data is defined. A simple objective function is the chi2 that measured the sum of the weighted squared deviations is used.
def chi2(
x0: np.ndarray,
y_data: np.ndarray,
pda_object: tttrlib.Pda,
n_species: int,
kw_hist: dict
amplitudes = x0[:n_species]
probabilities = x0[n_species:n_species * 2]
background_ch1 = x0[n_species * 2 + 0]
background_ch2 = x0[n_species * 2 + 1]
pda_object.background_ch1 = background_ch1
pda_object.background_ch2 = background_ch2
x_model, y_model = pda_object.get_1dhistogram(
weights = np.sqrt(y_data), weights == 0, 10000000.0)
wres = (y_data - y_model) / weights
return np.sum(wres**2.0)
The model parameters are optimized using the defined objective function chi2
using scipy
whereas the parameters are bounded to a reasonable range.
n_species = 3
x0 = np.array(
initial_amplitudes + initial_probabilities_ch1 + [initial_background_ch1, initial_background_ch2]
bounds = [(-np.inf, np.inf)] * (2 * n_species) + [(0, 10), (0, 10)]
fit = scipy.optimize.minimize(
bounds=bounds, #(0, np.inf),
args=(y_data, pda, n_species, kw_hist),
The model parameters are collected, the final set of weighted residuals computed, and the micro times of the tws collected to create fluorescence decay histograms that can be analyzed by other software packages (e.g. ChiSurf.).
Finally, the collected results are plotted for illustrative purposes.
The noise in the fluorescence decay histograms highlight that for a detailed analysis of the fluorescence decays more photons are needed in comparison to an intensity analysis by PDA.
Overall, in this section it was illustrated how experimental data can be analyzed. The presented analysis serves only as example. For more detailed analysis the noise model, i.e. the weights, and the underlying assumption when a chi2 is minimized needs to be considered. For histograms with low counts maximizing the likelihood function is more appropriate. Moreover, for data with considerable background P(F) needs to be deconvolved from the experimental P(S) [kalinin2007].

from __future__ import division
import pylab as p
import tttrlib
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
n_photons = 50
kw = {
"hist2d_nmax": n_photons,
"hist2d_nmin": 10,
"background_ch1": 2.3,
"background_ch2": 1.2,
pda = tttrlib.Pda(**kw)
# The parameters can also be set as attributes
pda.background_ch1 = 2.0
pda.background_ch2 = 5.0
# Here, we use scipy and a poisson distribution to compute an pF.
# For a real analysis pF needs to be estimated from the experiment.
mu = 20 # expectation value for the number of photons
dist = scipy.stats.poisson(mu)
x = np.arange(0, n_photons)
pF = dist.pmf(x)
# Now we define a set of species with associated amplitudes
amplitudes = [0.33, 0.33, 0.33]
# probabilities_ch1 is the theoretical probability of detecting a photon
# in the first channel. In the PDA manuscript this is also called pG
probabilities_ch1 = [0.75, 0.4, 0.2]
# Alternatively the spectrum of amplitudes and probabilities
# can be set as an interleaved array [a1, p1, a2, p2, ...]
p_spectrum_ch1 = np.dstack([amplitudes, probabilities_ch1]).flatten()
pda.spectrum_ch1 = p_spectrum_ch1
# The computed distribution of photons in channel 1 and channel 2
# is given by the attribute s1s2. This attribute is convolved with
# the probability of detecting a photon pF and the specified background
s1s2 = pda.s1s2
# A one dimensional representation of the s1s2 matrix if obtain
# by a function that projects the pairs of photons. Any python function
# accepting at least two arguments can be used
proximity_ratio = lambda ch1, ch2: ch2 / (ch1 + ch2)
# The python function is used to set the attribute `histogram_function`
pda.histogram_function = proximity_ratio
# The method get_1dhistogram of the Pda object returns a 1D histogram
# of the s1s2 array for the specified function
x_pr, y_pr = pda.get_1dhistogram(
# functions, e.g., the FRET efficiency, that require additional parameters
# can be passed to the Pda object by defining a function with additional
# arguments. Note, potential division by zero need to be handled. Above,
# zero divisions were not handled as overall minimum number of photons was
# set to 10 (hist2d_nmin) and the histogram starts be be computed from the
# first channel.
def fret_efficiency(ch1, ch2, phiD=0.8, phiA=0.32, det_ratio=0.32):
return 1.0 / (1. + phiD / phiA * det_ratio * ch2 / ch1)
pda.histogram_function = fret_efficiency
x_eff, y_eff = pda.get_1dhistogram(
# Histograms with a logarithmic scale are computed by setting `log_x`
# to True. When the option skip_zero_photon is set to False the first
# column and row of the s1s2 matrix (zero photons in ch1 or ch2) is used
# in this case potential division by zeros in the histogram function
# need to be handled. The default value for skip_zero_photon is True.
sg_sr = lambda ch1, ch2: max(1, ch1) / max(1, ch2)
pda.histogram_function = sg_sr
x_sgsr, y_sgsr = pda.get_1dhistogram(
fig, ax = p.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3)
ax[1].plot(x_pr, y_pr, label='Proximity ratio')
ax[1].plot(x_eff, y_eff, label='FRET efficiency')
ax[2].semilogx(x_sgsr, y_sgsr, label='Sg/Sr')
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.222 seconds)