Working with TTTR files

To open TTTR files import the tttrlib library.

import pathlib
import tttrlib

data = tttrlib.TTTR('../../tttr-data/bh/bh_spc132.spc', 'SPC-130')

TTTR attributes

For convenience, tttrlib provides a unified way of accessing the TTTR data independently of the vendor data format via the class TTTR. In memory the TTTR data are handled by tttrlib in TTTR objects as follows:

  1. Macro time - 64 bit unsigned integer

  2. Micro time - 16 bit unsigned integer

  3. Channel number - 8 bit signed integer

  4. Event type - 8 bit signed integer

  5. TTTR Header data - dedicated class

TTTR files are handled by creating TTTR objects that contain the TTTR data of the files. The data contained in the files can be accessed by the methods provided by the TTTR class. Opening and and accessing the information contained in TTTR files is demonstrated by the Python code examples shown below. A TTTR object provides getter methods to access the data contained in the associated file.

macro_time = data.get_macro_times()
micro_time = data.get_micro_times()
channel = data.get_routing_channel()
event_type = data.get_event_type()
header = data.get_header()

In Python, the getter methods for the macro time, micro time, the channel, and the event type return NumPy arrays. The returned header is of the type TTTRHeader.

Alternatively, the data can be accesses by corresponding the (write-only) attributes.

macro_time = data.macro_times
micro_time = data.micro_times
channel = data.routing_channels
event_type = data.event_types
header = data.header

For a more detailed description on the meaning of these attributes see :ref:`_tttr-attributes`.
A detailed description on the meta data in :class:`TTTRHeader`is given in :ref:`_TTTR-Header`.

.. _tttr-attributes:
.. table:: Description of the most important TTTR object attributes
    :widths: auto

    | Name           | Description                                                                      |
    |Macro time      | Number of macro time clock cycles since the start of the recording               |
    |Micro time      | Number of micro time channels since last macro time (unused in PicoQuant T2 mode)|
    |Channel number  | Channel number (an identifier) of the event                                      |
    |Event type      | Type of the event                                                                |
    |Header          | Contains meta data of TTTR objects                                               |

Some manufactures inject special markers that relate to ""events"" into the TTTR
stream. Some manufacturers use the same routing channel numbers for markers and
for photon detection channels. To distinguish photons from markers, ``TTTR``
objects present for every event an additional event type specifier. The event
types stored in TTTR objects help to distinguish such events from normal photon
events. Currently the following events are considered.

.. _event-types:
.. table:: Table of event type identifiers
    :widths: auto

    | Event type               | Event type number       |
    |Photon event              |0                        |
    |Special event             |1                        |

Overflow events that are used in some file formats are implicitly considered
when reading the files. The precise type of a special event depends often on
channel number associated to the event. A use case for the decoding of imaging
data is presented in the :ref:`Imaging:Confocal laser scanning` section.

.. note::
    The units of the macro time and the micro time *depend* on the specific
    instrument settings.

In some TTTR containers certain record types contain no photon information but
count for instance the number of overflows since the last TTTR record, the total
number macro time, micro time, routing channel numbers is usually smaller than
the number of TTTR records in a file. This can be inspected on the command line
for a ``tttrlib`` build *debug* mode :ref:`Installation:Compliation` when
opening the BH-SPC132 file provided in the test folder.

.. code-block:: none

    -- Filename: ./data/bh/bh_spc132.spc
    -- Container type: 2
    -- TTTR record type: 7
    -- Number of records: 299999
    -- Allocating memory for 299999 TTTR records.
    -- Resulting number of TTTR entries: 152312
    -- Used routing channels: 9, 8, 0, 1,

In the example file contains 299999 entries whereas overall only 152312 TTTR
entries are stored. The example file corresponds to a single-molecule measurement
where a large fraction of the entries are overflow records.

'\nFor a more detailed description on the meaning of these attributes see :ref:`_tttr-attributes`.\nA detailed description on the meta data in :class:`TTTRHeader`is given in :ref:`_TTTR-Header`.\n\n.. _tttr-attributes:\n.. table:: Description of the most important TTTR object attributes\n    :widths: auto\n\n    +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n    | Name           | Description                                                                      |\n    +================+========+=========================================================================+\n    |Macro time      | Number of macro time clock cycles since the start of the recording               |\n    +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n    |Micro time      | Number of micro time channels since last macro time (unused in PicoQuant T2 mode)|\n    +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n    |Channel number  | Channel number (an identifier) of the event                                      |\n    +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n    |Event type      | Type of the event                                                                |\n    +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n    |Header          | Contains meta data of TTTR objects                                               |\n    +----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nSome manufactures inject special markers that relate to ""events"" into the TTTR\nstream. Some manufacturers use the same routing channel numbers for markers and\nfor photon detection channels. To distinguish photons from markers, ``TTTR``\nobjects present for every event an additional event type specifier. The event\ntypes stored in TTTR objects help to distinguish such events from normal photon\nevents. Currently the following events are considered.\n\n.. _event-types:\n.. table:: Table of event type identifiers\n    :widths: auto\n\n    +--------------------------+--------+----------------+\n    | Event type               | Event type number       |\n    +==========================+========+================+\n    |Photon event              |0                        |\n    +--------------------------+-------------------------+\n    |Special event             |1                        |\n    +--------------------------+-------------------------+\n\nOverflow events that are used in some file formats are implicitly considered\nwhen reading the files. The precise type of a special event depends often on\nchannel number associated to the event. A use case for the decoding of imaging\ndata is presented in the :ref:`Imaging:Confocal laser scanning` section.\n\n.. note::\n    The units of the macro time and the micro time *depend* on the specific\n    instrument settings.\n\n\nIn some TTTR containers certain record types contain no photon information but\ncount for instance the number of overflows since the last TTTR record, the total\nnumber macro time, micro time, routing channel numbers is usually smaller than\nthe number of TTTR records in a file. This can be inspected on the command line\nfor a ``tttrlib`` build *debug* mode :ref:`Installation:Compliation` when\nopening the BH-SPC132 file provided in the test folder.\n\n.. code-block:: none\n\n    READING TTTR FILE\n    -- Filename: ./data/bh/bh_spc132.spc\n    -- Container type: 2\n    -- TTTR record type: 7\n    -- Number of records: 299999\n    -- Allocating memory for 299999 TTTR records.\n    -- Resulting number of TTTR entries: 152312\n    -- Used routing channels: 9, 8, 0, 1,\n\nIn the example file contains 299999 entries whereas overall only 152312 TTTR\nentries are stored. The example file corresponds to a single-molecule measurement\nwhere a large fraction of the entries are overflow records.\n\n'

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.007 seconds)

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