

TTTR files can contain additional meta-data. In tttrlib the meta data can be accessed and edited via the TTTRHeader class. Some TTTR file formats suchh as the PTU format provide the option for arbitrary meta data. In other TTTR formats have defined / fixed headers. Some of the information that can be found in a TTTR file is listed in Header tags sheet.

Note, the list of Header tags is by any means not comprehensive. If you have information on the used header tags. Please contact the authors of tttrlib to contribute to the list.

Accessing header data

Most TTTR container contain meta-data that can be accessed through tttrlib. For that, a TTTR object provides a header attribute. The header attribute is of the type Header.

import tttrlib

data = tttrlib.TTTR('../../tttr-data/bh/pq/bh_spc132.spc', 'SPC-130')
# the header can be accesses by the method get_header or as an property
header = data.header

The most important attributes of the header are the micro_time_resolution and macro_time_resolution. Becker&Hickl Spc132 files files contain only a limited amount of information in the first record (32 bit).

PicoQuant PTU and HT3 files provide more extensive information in their header that can be accessed via the json attribute of a header object. The json attribute of a header object is a JSON string. Setting the json attribute modifies the header / meta data of a TTTR object.

import json
data = tttrlib.TTTR('./test/data/PQ/PTU/pq_ptu_hh_t3.ptu', 'PTU')

the header can be accesses by the method get_header or as a property

header = data.header
header_json = header.json
header_dict = json.loads(header_json)
{'MeasDesc_ContainerType': -1, 'MeasDesc_RecordType': -1, 'tags': []}

Time calibration data

Essential for the analysis of TTTR data is the time calibration (time resolution) of the macro and the micro times in addition to the number of possible micro time channels. In many functions the micro and macro time calibration are transparently handeled, meaning there is no need to worry. The macro_time and the micro_time TTTR attributes correspond the to raw uncalibrated data.

The macro and micro time resolution is accessed as follows.

macro_time_resolution = data.header.macro_time_resolution
micro_time_resolution = data.header.micro_time_resolution

The number of micro time channels can be accessed as displayed below. The header can be accesses by the method get_header or as an property.

header = data.get_header()
macro_time_resolution = data.header.macro_time_resolution
# macro_time_resolution = 12.5 ns
micro_time_resolution = data.header.micro_time_resolution
# micro_time_resolution = 4 ps
# will return 8129
# will return 3125

Note, the effective number of micro time channels, i.e., the number of micro time channels can be smaller than the actual number of micro time channels. For instance at a micro time channel resolution of 4 ps and macro time resolution of 12.5 ns effectively only 3125 micro time channels will be filled with photons.

Creating and writing TTTRHeader

Each TTTR object has an attribute that is an instance of the TTTRHeader class.

This instances makes the meta-data contained in the TTTR file accessible. TTTRHeader

objects can also be created independently of TTTR object.

header = tttrlib.TTTRHeader()

Modifying meta-data

The data containted in a TTTRHeader instance can be accesses as JSON string. The JSON string.

header = tttrlib.TTTRHeader()

The JSON string must contain a tags list. The tags list is a list of dictionarys in which each dictionary corresponds to a meta-data field in the header. For instance,

print(header.json) # '{\n "tags": []\n}'
 "MeasDesc_ContainerType": 0,
 "MeasDesc_RecordType": -1,
 "tags": []

Different meta data fields are listed in Header tags sheet.

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