
There are several ways to get in touch with the developers.

User questions

User questions can be directly addressed to the authors. However, quenstions cannot be always be responded promptly.

In both cases please use a descriptive question in the title field (e.g. no “Please help with tttrlib!” as this is not a question) and put details on what you tried to achieve, what were the expected results and what you observed instead in the details field.

Code and data snippets are welcome. Minimalistic (up to ~20 lines long) reproduction script very helpful.

Please describe the nature of your data, how you preprocessed it and what you want to achieve.

User questions should not be asked on the bug tracker, as it crowds the list of issues and makes the development of the project harder.

Bug tracker

If you think you’ve encountered a bug, please report it to the issue tracker:

Don’t forget to include:

  • steps (or better script) to reproduce,

  • expected outcome,

  • observed outcome or Python (or gdb) tracebacks