Related Projects

Below is a list of sister-projects, extensions, domain specific packages, and related software.

Interoperability and framework enhancements

These tools adapt tttrlib for use with other technologies or otherwise enhance the functionality of tttrlib estimators.

Integrative modeling platform

  • IMP Integrative modeling platform

Fluorescence correlation

  • katcor a collection of scripts and correlators that are inspired by the paper Ries…Schwille 2010 Optics Express “Automated suppression of sample-related artifacts in FCS”.

Fluorescence lifetime imaging

  • clsmview A python program with graphical user interface to vizualize and process confocal laser scanning data with tttrlib.

Model definition/optimization/sampling

  • chisurf A software package with graphical user interface (GUI) to define, minimize, and sample models of fluorescence decays, fluorescence correlation curves, among other fluorescence data. ChiSurf is a software package that furthermore integrates functionality for structural sampling with FRET restraints, among other tools.

Other tools and libraries

FRET community provides a software list that can be used to process TTTR data.