
Label simulations

Scoring of structures

Scoring of structures

Accessible Volume Restraint

Accessible Volume Restraint

Path searches

Path searches

Path search

Path search

Accessible volume decorator

Accessible volume decorator

Fluorescence spectroscopy

Fluorescence decay pile-up

Fluorescence decay pile-up

Fluorescence decay convolution

Fluorescence decay convolution

Orientation factor

Orientation factor

Structural modeling

Transglutaminase 2: Flexible fitting with AV restraints

Transglutaminase 2: Flexible fitting with AV restraints

T4 lysozyme: Using PMI

T4 lysozyme: Using PMI

Guanylate binding proteins: Combining restraints

Guanylate binding proteins: Combining restraints

Release Highlights

These examples illustrate the main features of current IMP.bff releases.

Release Highlights for IMP.bff 0.12.0

Release Highlights for IMP.bff 0.12.0

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